ServiceMethod Class

Class com.probertson.xmlrpc.ServiceMethod

Inheritance > ServiceMethod

Essentially represents a single remote method of a service, and acts as a go-between for Service Class instances and PendingCall Class instances, to keep a reference to a customer Responder. Instances are created by the Service class and generally should not be created directly.
Constructor Summary
 ServiceMethod(methodName:String, parent:ServiceBase)
Creates a new ServiceMethod instance.
Method Summary
 internal PendingCall 
Forwards a remote method call from the Service on to the Connection.
Constructor Detail
internal function ServiceMethod(methodName:String, parent:ServiceBase)
Creates a new ServiceMethod instance.
The name of the remote method to call.
The ServiceBase which is calling the method.
Method Detail
internal function call(args:Array):PendingCall
Forwards a remote method call from the Service on to the Connection.
Contains the arguments to be passed to the remote method call.

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