PendingCall Class

Class com.probertson.xmlrpc.PendingCall

Inheritance > PendingCall

The PendingCall is returned by any Service Class remote method. It does not contain the result of the remote method call; rather it provides a way for the developer to access the result by assigning a value to the PendingCall.responder property.
Constructor Summary
 PendingCall(service:ServiceBase, methodName:String)
Creates a new PendingCall instance.
Property Summary
Gets the name of the remote method which was called and associated with this instance.
Gets or sets the mx.rpc.Responder instance which designates the mechanism for result or fault values to be returned.
Method Summary
 internal Void 
Channels remote method call results to the mx.rpc.Responder set as the PendingCall.responder property of this instance.
 internal Void 
Channels remote method call errors to the mx.rpc.Responder set as the PendingCall.responder property of this instance.
Constructor Detail
internal function PendingCall(service:ServiceBase, methodName:String)
Creates a new PendingCall instance. Generally this will be called by Service Class instances rather than developers creating PendingCall instances directly.
The ServiceBase Class (service) to which the call is to be made.
The name of the remote method to call.
Property Detail
public function get methodName():String
Gets the name of the remote method which was called and associated with this instance.
public function get/set responder():Responder
Gets or sets the mx.rpc.Responder instance which designates the mechanism for result or fault values to be returned.
Method Detail
internal function onResult(result:Object):Void
Channels remote method call results to the mx.rpc.Responder set as the PendingCall.responder property of this instance.
internal function onStatus(fault:XmlRpcFault):Void
Channels remote method call errors to the mx.rpc.Responder set as the PendingCall.responder property of this instance.

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