IXmlRpcStruct Interface

Interface com.probertson.xmlrpc.IXmlRpcStruct

Inheritance IXmlRpcStruct

Interface that marks a class as an XML-RPC struct, allowing it to be passed as a parameter to Service Class method calls. In the XML-RPC standard, most simple types can be passed as parameters to XML-RPC remote method calls. In addition, complex objects can be passed as a (data only) XML-RPC struct. Developers who want to pass an XML-RPC struct to a remote method should create a class which implements this interface. An instance of that class can then be passed to the Service class method call, and it will be properly included in the XML-RPC remote method call sent to the server.
Method Summary
Implementers should provide an implementation which returns an Array whose elements are String variables, containing the names of the properties of the class which should be included as properties of the XML-RPC struct that is sent to the remote method call.
Method Detail
function getStructProperties():Array
Implementers should provide an implementation which returns an Array whose elements are String variables, containing the names of the properties of the class which should be included as properties of the XML-RPC struct that is sent to the remote method call. Implementing classes can contain other properties, variables, and methods which are not included in the returned Array, and they will be ignored by the serializer and will not be included in the struct.

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