Be sure to check out the source (index.html) to see my speaker notes explaining most of the slides.
This presentation was given on August 5, 2013 at the 360|Stack conference.
Except where otherwise noted, the contents of the presentation Copyright © 2013 Paul Robertson. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.
Raise your hand if you...
...consider yourself a designer of any sort
...write code for things that people view, use, or interact with
...get specs, wireframes, mockups, etc. from a designer, showing you what to build
Keep your hand up if you never have to:
guess what the designer means
make any sort of interpretation of the design
or change the design in any way while you're building it.
(You can put your hands down now)
“We’ve found that when a designer focuses on people’s goals—the reasons why they use a product in the first place—as well as their expectations, attitudes, and aptitudes, they can devise solutions that people find powerful and pleasureable.”
Initiates the microinteraction
Define how the microinteraction works
Helps you understand the rules of the system
Meta rules of the interaction
Konigi Showcase:
UI Parade:
– Kristopher Joseph (@dam)
I got paid to draw this
Prototyping on Paper by Woomoo –
Focus on traditional app and navigation; also team/collaboration tools
Flash Pro, Fireworks, Edge Animate